12. April 2024

New head of NHR4CES in Darmstadt

Prof. Felix Wolf has taken over the leadership of the National High-Performance Computing Center for Computational Engineering Sciences (NHR4CES) at TU Darmstadt. He succeeds Prof. Christian Bischof, who has been the center’s leader since its inception in 2021 and resigned from this role for personal reasons.

Photo (from left to right): Prof. Felix Wolf, Prof. Christian Bischof, Prof. Matthias Müller (© C. Bischof)

Prof. Wolf thanks Prof. Bischof for his extraordinary commitment to setting up NHR4CES in Darmstadt in partnership with RWTH Aachen University, thus complementing and enhancing the strengths of the two universities.

“This fantastic collaboration immensely increases the efficiency of and the access to high-performance computing infrastructures for scientists throughout Germany. We owe Christian much credit for creating the foundations of NHR4CES, and I am proud to follow in his footsteps. I look forward to addressing the challenges ahead – further developing our infrastructure and services in a fast-paced technological landscape,” says Wolf.

Bischof says: “NHR4CES, with its 10-year funding horizon for scientific support as well as top-notch hardware, is a great chance for TU Darmstadt and RWTH Aachen to participate in shaping a sustainable computational infrastructure for science in Germany. I am very glad that Felix agreed to take over the lead of NHR4CES, and I am confident that he will enjoy the work with the colleagues at Darmstadt and Aachen as much as I did.”

Since 2021, TU Darmstadt and RWTH Aachen University have been two of nine centers of the National High-Performance Computing Alliance (NHR), combining their strengths and long-standing experience in computational engineering and other application fields such as computational medicine, including expertise in cross-sectional technologies such as data science and management, parallelization, and visualization. Prof. Matthias Müller leads NHR4CES at RWTH Aachen University.

Felix Wolf is a full professor at the Department of Computer Science of TU Darmstadt, where he leads the Laboratory for Parallel Programming. Prof. Wolf received his doctorate from RWTH Aachen University in 2003. After appointments at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, Jülich Supercomputing Centre, and RWTH Aachen University, he joined TU Darmstadt in 2015.